You go along life either with some sort of intention or simply drifting with the tide. How do you plan for your future? Well, the answer is not just to look at where you want to be, but rather – who do I need to become, to live the life I always wanted. What kind of qualities, emotions and experiences would I like have on my journey?
Here are twelve things you can do today that your Future Self will Thank You for Later.
Your future depends on what you focus and practice today. @berniehiller (Click to Tweet!)
1. Invest In Yourself!
We spend time investing in relationships, and that’s good. However, don’t forget that investing time and money in yourself will have the biggest reward in your life. Take lessons that push you forward and out of your comfort zones.
2. Be Who You Really Are.
Too many times we allow ourselves to be defined by others or our career. (You might need help to figure this one out.) It takes a lot of insight and courage to be your authentic self.
3. Decide What Kind Of Life Do You Want.
Ask yourself “What changes do I need to make to live a life of happiness, meaning and love?” Those who do not change enough are left behind.
4. Stop Reliving The Past.
If you spend time in the past, that’s your future. Be a visionary, and believe that the best is yet to come.
5. Don’t Stop Learning!
First, you must learn how to LEARN. It’s not about taking in information, but applying it in your life. Learning without transformation is a waste of time.
6. Get Rid Of Life Clutter.
If you have unfinished projects, situations, relationships and they are important – finish or resolve them. Conclude anything that’s taking attention and energy away from your life.
7. Do Things That Successful People Do.
Find a person or a mentor who has been successful in your field, and find out what that person does on a daily basis. Successful people do things consistently. Be around high energy positive people. Success is not an accident; it’s a committed behavior.
8. Choose Who To Take With You On Your Path In Life.
Choosing the wrong partner or friend will ruin you. If there is someone in your life who makes you feel less, or destroys your dreams, get them off your path. Special friends, teachers and supporters are gifts to be highly valued.
9. Be Flexible.
Things will happen to you that you weren’t expecting. Not controlling but going with the flow, is the key to arriving at your future. You’ll never achieve things the way you thought it would occur. Trust the universe. Flexibility is key!
10. Let Others Help You.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but strength.
The more you ask the stronger you will be!
11. Work On Improving Your Communication Skills.
How you communicate will determine your success in every part of your life. Be aware of the things you say and how it affects other people. Did they get your point? Make sure you are heard and people acknowledge you. For improving this skill, speak to as many different types of people as you can.
12. Gratitude.
Every morning give thanks to the universe for all the things that haven’t happened yet. If you do this emotionally, miracles will occur.
Know that you can always start a new. Whatever you have done in the past is not an indication of what you can do in your future.
You are not your current circumstance; you are who you could be. Dream big because… The Bigger the Dream – The Better the Life.
The best way to predict your future is to create it!
Bernard Hiller is the premier acting and success coach in Hollywood. His revolutionary techniques and methods have taken the artistic and business community by storm. He teaches sold-out Masterclasses in over 16 countries. He trains top artists in Los Angeles and CEO’s around the globe. His methods of “behavior transformation” have resulted in amazing acting and business success. Bernard has started the career of Cameron Diaz and coached Jeff Goldblum, Lionel Richie, LL Cool J, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Doran, Emma Roberts, Billy Crystal, and Jennifer Garner to name only a few. Leonardo DiCaprio recommends him as the top coach in town. Bernard’s #1 Acting and Success book, “Stop Acting-Start Living“ is a must read. You can connect with him on Facebook & Twitter.
Image courtesy of Karthik Sridharan.