Today I’m talking with a superhero for healthy living in an accessible and balanced way. Pilar Gerasimo has been the Editor in Chief of Experience Life Magazine for about ten years, and is a pioneer of changing the content around healthy living. Her passion is helping people live happier, healthier, more sustainable lives. She also founded Revolutionary Act, a website that gives you 101 ideas to help you live a healthier life, and she wrote a manifesto called Thriving in a Mixed Up World.
Promising six pack abs isn’t what people need! People are whole beings – yes!
They have physical bodies, but they also have emotional and spiritual parts of themselves, and the health of those parts is equally as important as physical health. Pilar really started looking at health with a holistic perspective before it was popular to do so.
“Being healthy is a revolutionary act.” – Pilar Gerasimo via @terri_cole (Click to Tweet!)
If you’re interested in getting healthier than you are but you feel like you don’t have time or you can’t commit your whole life to it, I think you’re really going to be turned on by Pilar’s work, which is all about providing easy, simple, and accessible ways of getting healthy in this mixed up world. Click HERE to listen now.
Love Love Love,
Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, transformation coach, and an expert at turning fear into freedom. Sign up for Terri’s weekly Newsletter, check out her blog and follow her on Twitter.
Image courtesy of mihhailov.