Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering the quiet that is already there-buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks a day. ~ Dr.Deepak Chopra

A while back, at a mindfulness event curated by my pals at Wellthily, I had the distinct honor of sharing the stage (well actually it was a couch) with one of my mentors and eternal #spiritualcrush, Dr. Deepak Chopra. Before I introduced Dr Chopra, I shared how reading his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success was the catalyst for my first trip to The Chopra Center where I finally, successfully learned how to meditate from Deepak, David Simon and Davidji. I have had a dedicated practice that has transformed my life and my career ever since.

My own personal experience with meditation, creating a deep level of inner peace and self understanding, motivated me to teach my clients and students how to meditate so they too, could enjoy the benefits. The daily discipline can help quiet the fear mind so you can hear your own intuitive guidance. Through a meditation practice your ‘self’ and your life can continually transform.

I want your life to continually transform.

Actually, I want everyone to experience the transformational benefits of meditation.

This desire to make meditation accessible lead me to create the 21 Day Meditation Integration that twenty five hundred of you from all over the world participated in this past December. (Whoooooo Hoooooooooo!!!) Together we experienced the power of gradually developing a practice and felt the significant shift that sitting in stillness can have on your state of mind and how you experience the world.

Throughout the twenty-one days we will cover topics such as forgiveness, gratitude, faith and surrender. Below I have included a guided Compassion Meditation to help you open your heart and deepen your compassion for yourself and others.


When it comes to a life with more happiness and greater ease, mediation is key. @terri_cole
(Click to Tweet!)

Whether you are just a beginner or a meditation pro, I hope you can take just a few minutes to meditate with me.

Wishing you a compassionate, calm and centered week. As always, take care of you.

Love Love Love,


Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, transformation coach, and an expert at turning fear into freedom. Sign up for Terri’s weekly Tune Up Tips and follow her on Twitter.

If you need some guidance with your meditation practice check out my 21 Day Meditation Integration or the many free meditations available on my site.

Image courtesy of Mitchell Joyce.