I was at an event that kicked off with a group meditation.
(Before I tell you how it went down, allow me to say that I think you should approach all meditations guided by strangers with caution. I’ve been to many a gathering where someone wants to lead us down the golden path – and while their intentions are often good, they may not be filling your airwaves with the highest quality thought forms. Guided meditations are like eating at any restaurant – you need to take small bites until you’re sure what you’re consuming.)
Back to a certain guided meditation. “Close your eyes.” (Uh huh.) “Deep breath.” (Uh huh.) “See your dream before you.” (Locked in on crystal clear.) “How does it look, sound, etc, ?” (Feels freaking suh-weet.) “Now,” [insert New Age chimes and slightly evangelical tone…] “…know that your dream is POSSIBLE! … And now, open your eyes.”
Whu? THAT’s IT?! I lean over to my girlfriend and say, “Possible?! Screw that. My dream is a done deal.” Snort. “Ditto,” she snortled back in solidarity.
“Possible” can be magical. But magic has varying degrees of power. There’s magic sprinkles, and then there’s elixir potions, tonics of creation, galvanizing spells. Leave the sprinkles for cupcakes.
You can’t dream in images of possibility-maybe-could-be-perhaps and get manifestation traction. It’s profoundly unrequited. Possibility can be a lot like purgatory. You just never quite get there, not even in your dreams.
Wizardry is about conjuring up an experience of DONE (not “maybe”.) Succeeded. Achieved. Arrived. Pow!
Visualizing Possibility = striving, maybe, reach, stretch, hit or miss, up for interpretation, deliberation, incomplete, out there, the resounding feeling that there’s still so much to do.
Visualizing Done = the sensation of satisfaction, a reason to celebrate, achievement that you can walk into it, serious calm, expectation you can wrap your head around, a vision that calls you to stand up straight and be your wisest.
But here’s the coolest part about Visualizing Done: that image of success may have something to tell you – a few pointers about how it got made real. When you visual things as “done,” you can walk around the vision and see what it has to say. The image of success can reveal how-to’s and pathways to itself.
Here’s how I do it: I see a myriad of Done Deals in my cosmic atmosphere. I get myself to that state of full-on assuming that what I desire already exists in some dimension, and I just need to step into it, or pluck it out of the ethers. Done. This gives me an incredible sense of calm, and a feeling that life really wants me to win.
And then I ask the done deal to tell me how it…got done. And I hear strategies. For example, I envision my next book as a New York Times bestseller. Done. (Maybe a bestseller? Possibly a bestseller? That feels shaky, not invigorating.) And when I see that bestseller in action, I get really fresh ideas about how to make it a bestseller. Pow. Practical. Invigorating.
Sometimes I see Done Deals and I sniff them out and decide it’s not what I want after-all. Next.
You’re never obligated to a dream or a belief. @DanielleLaPorte (Click to Tweet!)
The business of affirmations and visualization is a mind game, of course.
Ante up.
Play to win.
Big deal.
Danielle LaPorte is the outspoken creator of The Desire Map, author of The Fire Starter Sessions (Random House/Crown), and co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. An inspirational speaker, former think tank exec and business strategist, she writes weekly at DanielleLaPorte.com, where over a million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice — a site that’s been deemed “the best place on-line for kick-ass spirituality”, and was named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes.
You can also find her on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter @daniellelaporte.
*Featured image by Oscar Ordenes