“It’s all happening!”

When I first heard this line in Almost Famous (which has since become one of my favorite flicks), I related to it instantly. Coupled with the title, the idea of being on the path toward the realization of a grand vision or lifelong dream and not quite being there yet is universal and something we can all connect with.

If we really think about it, although there may be one defining moment that we aspire to or one specific destination that we’re moving toward, a dream coming true is really more of a gradual process than a discrete moment in time.

When I think about my own dreams from this perspective, the impact is profound. It takes me from a place of longing and yearning for that one moment to a place of really being able to dwell fully in and honor this moment right now. That interplay is inevitable and ongoing. When we are working toward a lofty goal or creating something monumental, it’s natural and very easy to be so focused on the outcome that we forget to enjoy each little step along the way.

The experience of making a puzzle comes to mind. We begin with the picture on the box, which is what pulls us into making the particular puzzle at hand. This is like the vision that we have or the dream we are living into. But the reality is that the majority of time spent having the “puzzle-making experience” is in putting it together one piece at a time. The enjoyment of this process, as much as if not more than the actual completion of the puzzle, is essential. Otherwise, all of the time spent getting there would, in many senses, be wasted or lost time spent “getting somewhere” but not really being present, not really honoring each step or finding fulfillment in the experience.

Where the path to our dreams and our lifelong quest for fulfillment are concerned, this principle is of paramount importance.

If we are only in it for that moment when the journey is complete, that single moment when we arrive at that so-called final destination, then all of the days and hours and minutes we spend getting there become robbed of their inherent value and enjoyment.

To live this way is to miss the point of life, which is to live fully here and now and to honor the only moment we can ever be sure we have: this present one right now.

A small shift in our perspective can completely transform this dynamic.

The truth is that it doesn’t even matter if we actually ever get to the realization of the vision or if the dream comes true. I know that sounds crazy, but try it on and see how it feels. Don’t get me wrong, it would definitely be nice to “make it” and to complete the journey, BUT if that big shiny end destination is giving meaning to what we are doing RIGHT NOW, if it’s giving us a reason to play full out and to dig deep today, then it’s serving its purpose. In other words, if we can use our dreams as fuel rather than as an end, then they can truly lift us up and enrich our whole life experience rather than one elusive moment at the end of the winding road. When we can use the beautiful and inspiring picture on the box to drive us and color our experience of finding and carefully placing each piece of the puzzle in its place, then we are truly living the dream.

This is what “it’s all happening” means. It means that your dream is coming true whether you are one step out of the gate or one step from the finish line. It means that the dream is an experience that unfolds piece by piece, and that each piece is as essential as the very last one. It means that as long as you are on your way toward the life of your dreams, you’ve already made it!

Your dream is coming true. Enjoy every step. It’s all happening!

Much love,


Chris Assaad is a man on a mission with an unwavering commitment to spreading Peace, Love, and Inspiration around the globe. Chris is a singer/songwriter and inspirational artist from Toronto who left a promising career in law several years ago to pursue his dream of a career in music. Since then, Chris has been actively using his voice to enCOURAGE others to follow their dreams, express their creativity and live life to the fullest.

You can listen to and download Chris’s latest release “Into The Light” for FREE here and find him on Facebook or Twitter.

*Photo Credit: Robbert van der Steeg via Compfight cc