Love your: Light shadow scars generosity wounds past present future struggle pain sorrow suffering malice commitment laughter experience talent judgement abundance.

Vibrancy illness vitality vulnerability Divine Love Divine Light Divine Power respiration sexiness growth movement gifts offerings skills avoidance receptivity. The way you want more.

Love your: Weirdness intelligence childhood family friends animals lovers mates earnestness direction guidance sadness sincerity pain-points. How you listen to the people you adore. How you say, Thank you.

Devotion fear terror shame wakefulness gentleness forgetfulness arrogance acne bones mitocondria hair skin money things clutter space stiffness charity. The legs that carry you everywhere. (Thank you legs! Thank you arms! You make it all happen.)

Sweetness kindness ugliness willingness lack-mentality love radiance beauty wisdom truth joy balance harmony welcoming flexibility grace voice scent dancing presence abilities disabilities rituals curiosity insecurities. DNA.

Your smile. Your strength. How particularly tender you can be.

That you make everything more beautiful and real.

That you showed up at this time in human history.

Face tongue eyebrows longing love making eating embrace holding space flow fluidity cravings manipulations hiding daring courage soul spirit auric field questions beliefs perceptions knowings dreams transformations.

Love your: Resistance desires Godliness abandonment issues fire-in-your-belly vision simple happiness preferences prayers sweat effort progress every mistake bending letting go eternal stardust in your marrow freewill burning sacred heart.

For starters.




Danielle LaPorte is an invited member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path—from one seeker to another. The Fire Starter Sessions, and The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul—the book that has been translated into 8 languages, evolved into a yearly day planner system, a top 10 iTunes app, and an international workshop program with licensed facilitators in 15 countries. Named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes, millions of visitors go to every month for her daily #Truthbombs and what’s been called “the best place online for kickass spirituality.” A speaker, a poet, a painter, and a former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, Entrepreneur Magazine calls Danielle, “equal parts poet and entrepreneurial badass…edgy, contrarian…loving and inspired.” Her charities of choice are Eve Ensler’s VDay: a global movement to end violence against women and girls, and charity: water, setting out to bring safe drinking water to everyone in the world. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her favourite philosopher, her son. You can find her @daniellelaporte and just about everywhere on social media.