There are legit times when you can’t say what you want to say. When you can’t safely/bravely express yourself in this material realm, then use an esoteric channel—speak to the other person’s Higher Self.
Occasions that you legit can’t say what you want to say… but you still want to express your truth.
When your body knows that it’s not yet the right time for the conversation. (The body knows before the mind does.) Speaking your truth isn’t always about pushing through the resistance. Sometimes honoring those moments when you’re not fully ready is a way of building strength—to ready yourself for standing behind what you have to say.
When the light of your truth might be potentially blinding for the other person. There may be times in your life where somebody can’t accept your love. Because your frequency—your gentleness, your generosity, your sweetness, you’re seeing them—feels threatening or just too unfamiliar. Because your joy is an overload for them. (Joy is very disruptive to someone who finds safety in the routine of their misery.)
When you’re concerned that what you have to say will create even more fracture and disconnection from somebody. When you’re afraid of annihilation. Invalidation. It’s about self-protection and self-preservation.
When you can’t go voice-to-voice… go heart to heart. Higher Self to Higher Self.
When things are brutally difficult with somebody, sometimes the healthiest thing is to have a non-verbal, encouraging conversation. Somehow you’ve got to find a way to get your love across, even when you can’t use your spoken words to do that. I’ll use myself as an example…
Scene: I was in a conversation with someone who, historically, I feel ignored by. The resentment can get pretty steep. AND I deeply love this person and want them in my life. (It’s complex.) #relatemuch? When we talk, I feel like I have to suck in my energy to stay steady with them. There’s a better way.
And yet…I need to express myself. I need to show up as my whole self wherever I am. Because that’s my commitment to Life. So… how am I to do that in this situation? I speak to their Higher Self. I look at them and from my heart, with pure loving intention, I say (silently, inside):
That’s it! Never moved my lips. Here’s the thing with Higher Self to Higher Self conversation: it’s HIGHLY efficient. When you communicate at that level, you can respect the human reality, while staying safe… AND you are giving love. Expressing truth.
THIS IS KEY: Using Higher Self to Higher Self communication is not about psychic manipulation. And it’s not just about using another channel to say the things that you can’t say to them in real life. This is about going high, and keeping it high, for high purposes.
Even esoteric conversations are felt on some level by the other person. Because love in the morphogenic field is always picked up by whoever is tapping in. (Which is all of us.)
Every act of love (spoken, or visible, or not) has an impact.
Go high.
There are legit times when you can’t say what you want to say. When you can’t safely/bravely express yourself in this material realm, then use an esoteric channel—speak to the other person’s Higher Self.
Occasions that you legit can’t say what you want to say… but you still want to express your truth.
Go heart to heart. Higher Self to Higher Self. Download the free reflection cards for this episode.
Mentioned in this episode…
My podcast theme is I AM LOVE, by DJ Drez feat. Marti Nikko. Available on Spotify + iTunes. Please support independent, positive music. xo
Danielle LaPorte is an invited member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path—from one seeker to another. The Fire Starter Sessions, and The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul—the book that has been translated into 8 languages, evolved into a yearly day planner system, a top 10 iTunes app, and an international workshop program with licensed facilitators in 15 countries. Named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes, millions of visitors go to every month for her daily #Truthbombs and what’s been called “the best place online for kickass spirituality.” A speaker, a poet, a painter, and a former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, Entrepreneur Magazine calls Danielle, “equal parts poet and entrepreneurial badass…edgy, contrarian…loving and inspired.” Her charities of choice are Eve Ensler’s VDay: a global movement to end violence against women and girls, and charity: water, setting out to bring safe drinking water to everyone in the world. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her favourite philosopher, her son. You can find her @daniellelaporte and just about everywhere on social media.