Have you ever wanted something, but felt too uncomfortable to ask for it?

You get a feeling you want it, but then thoughts flood in: “I don’t want to bother them” “Do I *really* even want it?” You doubt yourself, let it slide, “I’ll just ask next time…”

In today’s video, below, I tell you how to get what you want in life. It starts by asking. Life is ready to hand you the exact experiences you want to have, but not if you don’t ask. It’s not woo woo, it’s real & practical; I use it every day to make choices that move me closer to a life I enjoy.

I’ve learned: In life, you don’t get what you don’t ask for. @ishitagupta (Click to Tweet!)

But when you *DO* start asking for what you want, be ready to get it!

In the video I tell you how I asked for goat cheese at dinner last night and why it was important enough to write this post! Watch the video to learn:

  • How to ask for what you want even if you feel uncomfortable. Practicing discomfort instead of maintaining the status quo is the BIGGEST skill I’ve learned in business.
  • Why we don’t trust ourselves to know what we want.
  • How to prioritize what you want. If you don’t, no one else will! The world gives what it can offer, which is often mediocre. Decide if you’re okay settling or if you want more.
  • How to make choices every day that lead you to your highest, ideal life, not where you maintain the other people’s comfort & the status quo.

How much are you not getting from life because you’re not asking?

Right now, right after you read this post, notice where you hesitate to ask for what you want. Today, flex your muscle and make the ask, even if it’s for an extra avocado. Be courageous and practice. You never know what’ll happen. Personally, very unexpected, delightful and ridiculous things have happened when I put myself out there and ask.

If this video helped you practice asking for what you want and then GETTING IT (it’ll definitely happen!), share it with someone who needs to practice too. It’s easier when your people practice and get what they want. If you know they hesitate, share the video and practice together today! Tell me how it goes: did you try it? How did people respond – what’d they say? Did you get what you want? I want to know these things!

Always make the ask, especially when it comes to cheese.
xx Ishita


Ishita Gupta is an entrepreneur, speaker, and business breakthrough strategist. She publishes Fear.less Magazine and runs her consulting business helping people gain confidence, live without fear, and thrive as business owners. Since diving into personal development a decade ago, she’s spent the last five years helping people specifically build confidence and self-worth enough to pursue their dreams. Ishita speaks at conferences around the U.S. on entrepreneurship and leadership, including World Domination Summit,TEDx, Startup Princess, Next Generation Health, Business Growth Summit, Young Female Entrepreneurs, and more.. You can also follow Ishita on Twitter.

Image courtesy of Eunice Lituañas.