The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe, however, some people scoff at the idea because they haven’t been able to harness it for themselves…

A lot of the time people have trouble with the Law of Attraction simply because they have incorrect views of how it works and how to harness it in their lives. The Law of Attraction is very real, and if you truly learn how to use it, can change your life forever.

Don’t believe these three most common Law of Attraction myths and continue to keep yourself from experiencing true abundance in your life.


1. MYTH: All You Have to Do is Think About Something

The first myth about the Law of Attraction is that all you have to do is think about something and you’ll get it.

When the book The Secret was published which introduced people to the Law of Attraction folks got the wrong impression about how it works and the myth developed that all you have to do to get what you want is to focus your thoughts on it.

For example, many people think that if you want a brand new red Mercedes, all you have to do is focus on getting the car, imagine it in your driveway, write in your journal that it is yours and, voila! A red Mercedes will appear in your driveway.

Unfortunately, that’s only partially correct. And while this is part of activating the Law of Attraction in your there are a few other things you have to do.

Here’s what they are:

Ask the Universe for what you want 

Keep your thoughts positive and focused on asking for what it is you want to have.


This is where most people stop.

People think about what they want, they even focus on getting it through positive affirmationsvision boards, and journaling, but they stop there.

What you have to realize is that part of believing is taking action.

The simple truth is that many people simply don’t take action to make their beliefs a reality.

For example, if you want a career as a dancer, you will need to take the action of enrolling in dance classes and auditioning for a role as a dancer.

You cannot just ask the Universe for it. You must believe it AND take action to get what you want.


The final step is to receive. The Universe gives you what you need and you need to be ready to feel joy and gratitude when you receive what you have asked for. In order to receive, you must be willing to take action.

Realize that this may not happen immediately either. But don’t become discouraged. If you ask and believe, you’re on the path to achieving all of your goals.

2. MYTH: You Don’t Have to Change Your Thinking

The second myth is that you don’t have to change the way you think for the Law of Attraction to work. This myth stands in the way of having the Law of Attraction work for you.

You must change your negative thinking to positive thinking, and be sure you believe that you will get what you ask for.

You can no longer lament about what you don’t have. You must replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Remember Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous speech? It was titled, “I Have a Dream,” not “I Have a Complaint.”

Take your focus off of how much you hate your job and want to quit. Think instead about all of the wonderful things that will happen in your life when you start your own business and are now doing what you love.

3. MYTH: The Universe Is Working Against You

The final myth is that the Universe doesn’t want you to achieve your dreams or that it’s not “meant to be.” The Universe is not working against you and hoping to prevent you from achieving your dreams.

Quite the opposite is true.

The Universe simply provides you with more of what you give it.

If you are vibrating from a place of judgment and anger, you’ll receive more of the same. When you live in a space of gratitude instead of a space of resentment or judgment, you will find things working better for you.

One reason for this is that when you concentrate on filling your mind with positive thoughts of gratitude, you drown out your negative thoughts of resentment.

These are various indications that the Universe is supporting your positive thoughts in order to provide you what you are asking for and to help you achieve your dreams.

It is a basic law of the Universe that like attracts like. When you are in a good mood, people around you seem to be happy and enjoying life. When you are morose, you find people being rude to you in the grocery store or exhibiting road rage on the highway.

Scientists confirm that the earth, and everything on it, is constantly vibrating at a specific frequency that’s unique to the object or person. According to the Law of Attraction, your thoughts and emotions determine your vibration.

Thoughts of sadness, anger, pain, confusion, and other negative emotions give off negative vibrations. You get back what you send out, so you get negative vibrations in return.

The reverse is also true. If your thoughts are those of happiness, joy, success, and peace, you send out positive vibrations and are rewarded in return with positive outcomes.

Ask for what you want by forming your request in a positive way, believing you will get what you want, and by taking action to help you in getting it. Then, be ready to receive. @JackCanfield (Click to Tweet!)

As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, Jack Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre—and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of over 100 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise, Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success. Jack is America’s #1 Success Coach and wrote the life-changing book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be and Jack speaks around the world on this subject. Check out his newest book The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home. Follow Jack at and sign up for his free resources today!

Image courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez.