Now, more than ever, the world needs women who are awake, resourced, and courageously speaking their truth.
We need women who prioritize themselves.
Women who are filled up with self-nurturing and self-care so that they can give to their loved ones, their community, and the world from a place of abundance.
is an invitation to a new way of seeing, thinking, and being.
Nurturing you is a gift to yourself, and to everyone you care about and love.
Prioritizing your needs and wants fills you up, and delights those who truly love you.
Affirming yourself with self-compassion and self-forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your children as well as the women in your life. You are modeling and living what is possible for them.
Putting yourself last teaches others to do the same — creating endless relationship disappointments and a painful legacy of neglect for your daughters or other women in your life.
Your worthiness is not determined by what another person does (or doesn’t do), by outer circumstances, or whether or not you are in an intimate partner relationship.
Reclaiming the Mother Within is an invitation to see the truth that prioritizing other people over taking care of yourself is a recipe for pain, anger, loneliness, and resentment.
It is Time to Reclaim the Mother Within
Discover what it means to nurture yourself, even if you didn’t receive adequate nurturing in your childhood.
Identify how the “less-than-nurturing” mothering you experienced in the past impacts you today and learn how to begin the healing process.
Begin trusting in your ability to nurture and affirm yourself.
Know what it means to stand for yourself as your fiercest ally and learn beginning tools for protecting yourself.
Forgive yourself for not standing up for yourself in the past.
Have a roadmap for repairing the wounds of the past and reparenting yourself in the present.
Where Do I Begin?
When it comes to nurturing and prioritizing yourself, you may have no idea where to begin.
You may believe that nurturing yourself is self-indulgent or selfish.
You may wonder how you can possibly nurture yourself when you didn’t get the nurturing you needed as a child and you’re still carrying old wounds and hurts.
You may wonder, “How can I reparent myself, when I’m parenting my own children?”
Maybe you’ve given up because you don’t believe you have time to care for yourself or you don’t think you’re worth it.
You Can Learn How to Nurture Yourself
What if you knew exactly what nurturing yourself looks like, and it was an automatic, daily habit?
Maybe you’ve tried to create a habit of self-nurturing in the past but it didn’t last, and now you’ve lost trust in yourself.
And even if you weren’t nurtured or affirmed by your biological or adoptive mother, it doesn’t mean you’re a lost cause.
It is never too late to begin nurturing you.
You can begin giving yourself the care you didn’t receive right now, and you can create sustainable habits and strategies to build trust in your ability to care for you.
Imagine how your life would be different if you were able to embrace the truth that taking care of you is the kindest, most loving thing you can do for yourself, your loved ones, and the world?
What if you prioritized yourself as an act of self-love, self-affirmation, and self-empowerment?
Nurturing, affirming, and standing for yourself as your fiercest ally is possible.
When you have tools and strategies for healing the less-than-nurturing parenting you received you will discover exactly what you need in the present to heal the wounds from the past.
When you are resourced with your own unique form of self-care, nurturing, and protection, you will:
- Know how to go inside to identify your needs and wants first in every situation. You won’t sell yourself short by guessing at what is “acceptable” or what someone else will give you before you even gets started.
- Know that you are happier, more peaceful, and more relationship-ready when you are filled up with your own self-care and nurturing.
- Avoid wasting time worrying about what other people think or how they will react to you taking care of — and prioritizing — yourself.
- Experience more self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and more trust in your ability to care for and protect yourself.
- You will effortlessly feel more loved, and cherished because you treat yourself as a beloved — worthy of your attention and care.
Reclaiming the Mother Within begins with going inside to discover what you needed then, what you need now, and having the tools and strategies for nurturing, affirming, and standing for yourself as your fiercest ally.

Trishna Patnaik, a BSc (in Life Sciences) and MBA (in Marketing) by qualification but an artist by choice. A self-taught artist based in Mumbai, Trishna has been practicing art for over 14 years. After she had a professional stint in various reputed corporates, she realized that she wanted to do something more meaningful. She found her true calling in her passion that is painting. Trishna is now a full-time professional painter pursuing her passion to create and explore to the fullest. She says, “It’s a road less traveled but a journey that I look forward to every day.” Trishna also conducts painting workshops across Mumbai and other metropolitan cities of India.
Image courtesy of Polina Kovaleva.