Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
Hello Spiritual Warrior! Welcome to this week’s Life Tools. Today we are exploring why you really don’t need to be perfect.
Excuses, excuses! We have a million of them; a million reasons why we haven’t started that project, why we haven’t made that commitment, why we’re waiting for the right moment.
We stall our dreams waiting for the perfect moment… but what is perfection, really?

Perfection is progress. Perfection is evolution! Perfection is us embracing the wholeness of life. Many of us carry a heavy burden to be perfect in all aspects of our lives; to always do the right thing, make the right choice, use the right words, move in the right direction.
But, perfection really isn’t the ultimate goal.
Sometimes when we focus too much on the end result, we lose sight of the magnificent process of growth… of progress… continually moving in the direction of our goals while staying mindful of the steps we’re taking to get there.
But here we are, with the tools of meditation, mindfulness, community support, I have given you these tools for FREE because you have been a loyal member of this community. There are no more excuses! You can make the decision to move forward today! Don’t let the imaginary ideal of “perfection” hold you back from taking the first step.
Our lives are full of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, fear and courage. This process of back and forth, not just mindlessly living it but actually embracing it, THIS IS PERFECT PROGRESS! But it can be overwhelming, however, to embrace life when you’re struggling. That’s when you lean on your meditation practice to get you through, give you clarity, and help you move through difficult times with greater ease and grace.
So, this week let’s embrace the good with the bad and focus on progress, evolution and leaning in the direction of our dreams!!!
In the meantime, remember to like, subscribe, and share to keep your ripple flowing in our community!!! Sending you peace, love and health. Be well.
Namaste. -davidji
Originally published on davidji.com
davidji is a globally recognized mindbody health & wellness expert, mindful performance trainer, meditation teacher & author of Amazon’s Best Seller destressifying: The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, Lasting Fulfillment, and Peace of Mind, Sacred Powers: The Five Secrets to Transformation and Secrets of Meditation: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace & Personal Transformation, & winner of the Nautilus Book Award. Connect with him on . davidji.com Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
Image courtesy of Marco Mons.