When I injured my ankle mid-January, I didn’t know that my personal message of “slow down, get quiet, listen inside” was going to become the energetic demand felt throughout the world. What was my own inner call, is now echoing in the hearts of so many of us. It is the opportunity that is before us, with the added piece of this evolutionary trajectory: that we have the capacity to Come Together.
It is not uncommon during a public crisis such as is present on the planet today, to feel alone, anxious and disconnected from the source of our own inner support. Our daily patterns have changed. With schools closed and businesses instituting work-from-home policies, a sense of isolation grows stronger.
With the government direction to distance socially, there is even more of a feeling of unavailability of support. If we cannot be with others, what do we do?
Balance and Equilibrium

Photo Credit: Gerd Altmann
This virus knows no distinctions between people nor borders. Blame, if we try and go there, lands inside us with a thud. In fact, the inner experience of blame disturbs our equilibrium, degrading our immune system—the very part of us that we most need intact. The importance of calm, not fear, of creative thought, not judgment, of connection, not isolation, is vital to our well-being. Even more so, to our thriving.
Perhaps this is the greatest lesson that can be received through all of this: that our inner connection is where we find our footing. @BacaInstitute (Click to Tweet!)
Inside is where we connect with the truth of who we are. With the resources that are available to navigate clearly and with confidence. It is the source of our creative, resourceful response to anything and everything that comes our way. It is where innovation is birthed.
Yes, innovation, because we need new answers to what’s happening, and they won’t be found by doing the same things we’ve always done.
Find Our Footing
When we are truly aligned inside, we are connected. We bring our unique brilliance to the collective well-being of the planet. It is time for this!
I’ve been holding twice weekly Turaya Meditation© sessions online for almost 3½ years. People from around the world join in regularly. Right now, it feels incredibly timely to open this up to a wider community.
Here is my invitation. Join us for our twice weekly Turaya Meditation© Live Online. If you are now working remotely, create space in your schedule to connect in: with yourself and your inner resources, and with a welcoming community. You don’t need to feel alone.
If you cannot afford the $49/month subscription (per session cost close to the price of a grande latte! And way more nourishing.), let me know. I’ll be starting pay-what-you-like drop-in live sessions. Let me know you are interested HERE.
Your resource for HOW to go inside, to find our footing…and to do it with others, around the world, virtually, in an intimate, connected setting is here: Turaya Meditation© Live Online.
May this time of “great pause” allow you to re-calibrate your inner connection and your daily actions. Let’s come together.
It’s our time. And you are invited!
Laurie Seymour M.A., is a #1 best-selling author, host of the popular Wisdom Talk Radio podcast, speaker and founder of The Baca Journey. Twenty years ago, she was honored to receive the stewardship of a special esoteric technology that accelerates the process of innovation and creation in individuals and groups. Since then she has worked with over one thousand people, and the technology has now reached a place with replicable results, and a system that is approachable and elegantly suited to the modern professional. Laurie’s work is particularly valuable for professional innovators: thought leaders, product designers, company founders; because the work accelerates the time from ideation to implementation and revenue, while also opening the innovator to new levels of confidence, peace and satisfaction. Apply now for a complimentary exploratory session with me. We’ll take a laser focus to find your “Right Fit” next step.
Featured Image Photo credit: StockSnap from Pixabay