In a recent blog, I shared the concept that love and gratitude are among the highest vibrational frequencies in existence. The ground-breaking work of Dr. David R. Hawkins calibrated levels of human consciousness and proved that love and appreciation are on the same plane.

Furthermore, I believe, as he does, that these high vibrational frequencies have miraculous powers that can uplift us, inspire us and even heal us. If you’d like to explore this further, I draw your attention to his book, Power vs. Force.

Easy Things You Can Do

Here’s how I see this working in my life and why it works so well. These are easy things you can also do if you want to spread love by spreading thanks.

Think about it. Wouldn’t it be awesome to feel unconditional love all the time? It would feel like a natural high, but we all know it’s not always easy to maintain that same high vibration all the time. You have to stay committed and put in the time and energy, but I have a great strategy to help you accomplish this.


Just ramp up your daily activities of appreciationEvery time you feel gratitude, make a point to express that thankfulness out loud to those around you. Be sincere and upbeat. Look them in the eye, call them by name, and make sure they know you feel grateful for their help or their encouragement. This works for loved ones, co-workers, service providers, and even strangers. It works for everyone so make it a daily habit to say thanks sincerely and often.


Then the next day, follow up with a note of thanks to keep that love and gratitude flowing! All of a sudden, you are spreading thanks and you are spreading love. As you write your note, feel the sensation of gratitude in your heart and be sure to include a simple line that clearly explains what it was about the person’s actions that really stood out to you. Tell them what you appreciated the most. Speak from your heart.


It’s a win-win process! You benefit from writing the note because gratitude causes you to raise your own personal vibration. The other person feels the love when they receive it. By taking this action, you are showing through example the value of love and gratitude, and it raises everyone’s vibration. The collective good is enhanced and everyone wins!

It’s not that hard to do really, so why not? As you go about your day, remain sincere and appropriate within each situation and take the particular relationship into consideration. For example, if you are already in a romantic relationship with someone, whenever he or she does something nice for you, you already feel wonderful. But when you take the next logical step and thank this person when they do kind things for you, it demonstrates your love in a tangible way. Be sincere and it will be appreciated.

Personal Connection

If the person is a casual acquaintance or stranger, they will be even more blown away because they had no idea you might send them a card. It is just such a personal connection you are making when you send a sincere note of thanks to anyone.

Over time, what you will find is that when you function on a daily basis within the vibration of love, you stay focused in the present moment. You enter a state where you feel connected to the other person, whether it’s a person you just met, a casual friend, a family member, or an intimate partner! You’ll feel at one with yourself, with them, and with all that there is.

I hope you enjoy your experiences as you ramp up your acts of appreciation in the coming weeks, and I’d love to hear about your thoughts and experiences below. Thanks for sharing and thank you for spreading thanks and spreading love, in your corner of the world.

Elena Anguita is a change agent, speaker, and author of Spread Thanks! Create Miracles Through The Power of Ink who supports education and passionately believes in the transformative power of gratitude. You can connect with Elena on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and



Image courtesy of Rachel Pfuetzner.