You know your lungs need oxygen to breathe. You know your heart needs love to feel safe and supported. You know your body needs water to survive. But did you know that your soul needs joy to thrive? And that more than likely due to the pressures of your life, your soul is hungering deeply for the joy it’s being starved from. And this is affecting your health, your feelings of happiness, and even your real wealth. This is not coachy blah blah… this is straight up feminine wisdom for how you make sure that you have what you need to thrive in these intense times.
Are you happy? Really? Do you feel fulfilled? Do you feel like you have the space in your life you need? Do you feel like your life is nourishing you? We need you to feel JOY inside so you can make the impact you desire to make! It cannot be about all work, taking care of others and giving without you receiving!
Last week I delivered a COURAGE boost to your heart, to help you receive the love you need to feel courageous and be courageous in your choices now and ahead.

This week’s Feminine Power Time is a JOY BOOST – I am sending directly to your SOUL to increase your levels of wellness, contentment, happiness now … not for when you go on vacation or reach nirvana. To make it through these times, our souls need JOY daily. Receiving joy is a choice, a practice – both.
So many amazing beings I know are trapped in life designs that do not support their soul and inner harmony. We consciously choose to do this differently… today we dive into:
- What is Christine talking about when she says JOY is SOUL FOOD – and why I want to know this.
- Signs that you are starving for joy.
- Checking in with yourself about how you are treating your body and soul – a workhorse, neglected child, racehorse, something to whip into shape.
- The Feminine Leadership Principle and self-love promise of #designalifeilove – how to use this to make change in your life.
- Are you savoring your life or speeding through it?
- Three wisdom inquiries to reflect on what really nourishes your soul – so you can start making sure you get this daily, or before you deplete yourself.
Consciously cultivating JOY as part of your daily life design and overall life design is one of the wisest choices you can make. @ChristineArylo (Click to Tweet!)
Do not discount it as woo woo, new agey or for later. Doing so will save you time, energy and money and more importantly will make sure the life you are living in the one you really want.
Christine Arylo, MBA, is a women’s leadership advisor, transformational teacher and best selling author who works with women to make shift happen – in the lives they lead, the work they do, and the impact they desire to make. Marrying 20 years of business experience with 15 years of feminine & yogic wisdom training, Arylo illuminates how to lead and live a different way, the “feminine way” – professionally successful, internally empowered, and personally sustainable and satisfying. A powerful mentor and teacher known for her ability to translate deep wisdom into practical super powers, her programs on intuition, feminine power, and cultivating resilience, self-love and courage have reached over 35,000 students worldwide. She’s committed to working with emerging and established women leaders to awaken their full power and presence to lead the world and those they love and lead to more a more sustainable, compassionate and equitable world for all. Arylo is known for her powerful and real presence that inspires personal and social transformation. And for her stand for sisterhood and what is possible when women come together, drop their masks, speak from their hearts and truly support each other. Christine currently lives on an island off the coast of Seattle, where she is working on her fourth book: “Overwhelmed and Over It: Why It’s Not Your Fault and How to Find the Power To Change It.” Learn more about Christine at and learn more about her Feminine Power Time Podcast at
Image courtesy of KAL VISUALS.