In the “Power of Myth” Joseph Campbell speaks about “having to kill the things that are stopping you.”
I know that the bravest thing you will ever do is discover your true self.
Here are 4 things that you will have to “kill” to achieve that.
- You have to kill the limiting rules that have been given to you by society.
- You have to kill the low self worth that you have about yourself.
- You have to kill the negative beliefs that you have about life’s possibilities.
- You have to kill the life that has been planned for you – by others.
The mind has a need for constraining structure and rules. Like not taking risks, staying in your comfort zones and living according to your group mentality.
But LIFE is a celebration of creativity, feelings, and emotions!
Your mind wants control and wants you to never listen to your heart! The mind doesn’t have the best intentions for you. The mind lives in fear. YOUR HEART lives in love.
You are on a hero’s journey when you choose something that seems impossible to achieve. People will tell you “That’s impossible!” When you hear those words you are on the right track. Everyone that’s ever achieved anything great in life has heard those words along the way.
Childish behaviors must also die. No more people pleasing, needing approval or being interested in what others think. You must trust yourself and your instincts.
All of that must be killed off for success to even become a reality.
You have to find your center for miracles to occur in life.
Like dancers, finding the center is key to being able to move. We find the center, as toddlers, to be able to walk. YOU MUST FIND YOUR CENTER TO FIGURE OUT WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT’S YOUR PURPOSE! That’s where you truly live!
Every day is a continuation of the hero’s journey. If you have the courage to be your true self, your life will unfold far beyond your wildest imagination!! @berniehiller (Click to Tweet!)

Ready to kill the things that are stopping you?
Start Your Journey Today!
Bernard Hiller is the premier acting and success coach in Hollywood. His revolutionary techniques and methods have taken the artistic and business community by storm. He teaches sold-out Masterclasses in over 16 countries. He trains top artists in Los Angeles and CEO’s around the globe. His methods of “behavior transformation” have resulted in amazing acting and business success. Bernard has started the career of Cameron Diaz and coached Jeff Goldblum, Lionel Richie, LL Cool J, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Doran, Emma Roberts, Billy Crystal, and Jennifer Garner to name only a few. Leonardo DiCaprio recommends him as the top coach in town. Bernard’s #1 Acting and Success book, “Stop Acting-Start Living“ is a must read. You can connect with him on Facebook & Twitter.
Image courtesy of Quentin Keller.