A vision board is a perfect tool to help you visualize your goals and activate the Law of Attraction. The best way to achieve your goals is to keep them top of mind so that you’re always looking for ways to move closer to them.
What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams.
Vision boards can be bought from our website or made with cork or poster boards. By placing visual representations of your goals into one space, you can easily visualize them frequently. Remembering to look at them daily and imagine them as if they have already come true is one of the best ways to activate the Law of Attraction.
The main idea of a vision board is, that it’s a place where you capture images of the goals that you have in your life, the things you want to experience, the things you want to own, and the things you want to do.
The subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind. We can program the subconscious and the unconscious by putting in images and words and affirmations on a consistent and regular basis.
My Personal Vision Boards
I currently have two vision boards. One is a fold out vision board that I can travel with and close up for privacy and a vision board on the back of my door in my office. So, every time I leave my office, I stop and I look at the images on that board. It’s in my face every day, probably eight to ten times a day.

I’ve been using vision boards in one form or another since the 1970’s. My first “vision board’ was a $100,000 bill that I made myself.
I taped it to the ceiling above my bed so that I would see it every day when I woke up. I set the goal for myself that I wanted to make $100,000 in one year. At that point, I was making $8,000 a year so this was more than 12 times my annual income.
Every morning when I would wake up, I would visualize that. I would close my eyes and visualize my $100,000 lifestyle.
What it would be like…
Where I would live…
The Navajo rugs I was going to buy I put on my walls…
The little lake house I would have…
The car I would own…
And everything else I could think of.
Guess what happened? Within about 30 days, I started having hundred thousand dollar ideas for the first time in my life.
Within a year I had earned $92,000. It was an amazing breakthrough.
At the end of that year, my wife asked me, “Do you think it’ll work for a million dollars?” I said, “I don’t know, It worked for $100,000. So, let’s do it.”
We made a million dollar bill and put that on the ceiling. And within a few years, I received my first $1,000,000 check for a book royalty for the first Chicken Soup For The Soul.
Today, my current vision board has:
- Pictures of million dollar bills.
- A picture of a man doing yoga because I want to be more flexible.
- A picture of a strong back, because I want to have a pain free and flexible back.
- A resort in Hawaii and Tahiti because I want to spend more time there.
- A world map, because I want to enroll trainers in my Train the Trainer Online program from every country in the world.
- A piano, because I’m learning to play the piano, and more.
Make sure you put images and words. You can cut them out of magazines. You can go to Google images and other image sites online. Print them out, cut them out and paste them on your vision board.
The Power of Visualization
Visualization from a vision board has three main benefits.
- It activates the creative powers of your subconscious mind to come up with ideas and solutions for achieving your goals.
- It programs the perceptual filters in your brain to start noticing the available resources that are present in your environment that were always there but escaped your notice.
- Through the law of attraction, visualization also magnetizes and attracts to you the people, the resources, and the opportunities you need to achieve your goal.
By adding visualization practice to your daily routine, you will naturally become more motivated to reach your goals. And you’ll start to notice you are unexpectedly doing things that move you closer to your ideal life. You’re going to feel more motivated and you’re going to be doing things you’re going to be surprised at the outcomes that start to happen.
I’d like to offer you today my 21 Ways To Make Your Vision Board More Powerful. It’s a wonderful checklist that will help you create an actionable vision board and create the success you want in your life.
As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, Jack Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre—and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of over 100 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise, Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success. Jack is America’s #1 Success Coach and wrote the life-changing book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be and Jack speaks around the world on this subject. Check out his newest book The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home. Follow Jack at www.jackcanfield.com and sign up for his free resources today!
Image courtesy of Sh1ra.