Healers, magicians, followers…so much can go wrong. There are spiritual superhumans and TRULY luminous leaders. Some people DO work for the Light, others…others do their work in the shadows and make it look shiny.
I believe that skilled esoteric technicians can pull objects out of thin air, perform psychic surgeries, and walk through walls, bilocate, and cure the supposedly incurable. It’s multidimensional manipulation. In my world, all that is very real.
But…just because someone can create so-called “miracles” doesn’t mean that they have pure intentions. Metaphysical skill does not always guarantee spiritual integrity.
Some well-branded apparent Light workers are just darkness peddlers in disguise. They know how to plug into other people’s energy to get a boost for themselves or to create an effect—maybe a healing effect.
You might get “healed” in one area of your body or life, but then something goes really wrong elsewhere. It’s like super-charging a car battery but draining the oil at the same time—you get an injection of energy but something is not quite right with the overall system.
So, don’t let mad metaphysical-skillz impress you. Again, I’ll say, that pure and gifted healers exist and I’ve been blessed to know some of them.
But Quality is so hard to identify in the energy space. You have to learn to see with both your heart and your intellect. Cultivate Faith while questioning ceaselessly.
It’s more important for you to believe in your powers of discernment than someone else’s healing powers.
And that’s some white hot truth.

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Danielle LaPorte is an invited member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path—from one seeker to another. The Fire Starter Sessions, and The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul—the book that has been translated into 8 languages, evolved into a yearly day planner system, a top 10 iTunes app, and an international workshop program with licensed facilitators in 15 countries. Named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes, millions of visitors go to DanielleLaPorte.com every month for her daily #Truthbombs and what’s been called “the best place online for kickass spirituality.” A speaker, a poet, a painter, and a former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, Entrepreneur Magazine calls Danielle, “equal parts poet and entrepreneurial badass…edgy, contrarian…loving and inspired.” Her charities of choice are Eve Ensler’s VDay: a global movement to end violence against women and girls, and charity: water, setting out to bring safe drinking water to everyone in the world. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her favourite philosopher, her son. You can find her @daniellelaporte and just about everywhere on social media.