“To transcend duality is the kingly view. To conquer distractions is a royal practice.”
– Osho, The Book of Tantra
Most of us approach distraction as a time management issue—how we wrangle our to-do list and hit our goals. But when you zoom out and look at it esoterically, it snaps your priorities into place, and fast. Here it is:
Anything that is not aligned with the True You, is distraction. @DanielleLaPorte (Click to Tweet!)
Anything (person, place, gig, idea, arrangement, obligation, practice, policy…) that does not resonate with your deep heart… is distraction.
Activity that pulls you away from your true strengths… is distraction.
Thoughts that do not sync with your deep trust… is distraction.
Relationships that do not support your full potential… distraction.
All the opposites of your pleasure, your strength, your truth… distraction.
Distraction is inevitable, it’s essential, even, because we learn through contrast. Distraction is a gear that we grind to move forward. We’re focused, then we get pulled out (sometimes for years at a time), then we re-focus. That’s life.
The “royal practice” is to keep coming back to your Soul power.
It’s demanding work—all the no thank you’s you’ll have to say, and the mid-course correcting, and the departures, and the courageous beginnings. It makes Queens and Kings of us—the truly devoted few who call distractions for what they are: not the Truth. And get on with Truthing.

Danielle LaPorte is the creator of The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul — the book that turned into a day planner system, a top iTunes app, and an international workshop program. A Desire Map workshop happens every weekend somewhere in the world. Author of The Fire Starter Sessions and the wildly popular #Truthbomb series, Danielle is also the co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan and co-host of the Beautiful Writer’s Group podcast.
Entrepreneur Magazine calls her “equal parts poet and entrepreneurial badass…edgy, contrarian…loving and inspired.” A speaker, poet, former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, she writes weekly at DanielleLaPorte.com, where over four million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice — a site that’s been deemed “the best place online for kick-ass spirituality,” and was named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes. The Huffington Post named her Twitter feed as one of the “12 of Wisest Twitter Accounts Worth Following.” You can find her @daniellelaporte just about everywhere.