Incubation periods are not that glamourous.
The hope of what’s to come is sexy, but so much of that in-between, not-quite-yet time is frustrating.
But let’s consider all of the benefits of being in your egg right now: Peace. Space. Privacy.
When you finally hatch (and you will), it will be full force and no turning back. Your next career surge means you’ll have to cut a few holidays short and do your hair everyday. That lover you’re praying to have is going to arrive, sweep you off your feet, and then and take over half of your precious closet space. When you get what you’ve been working toward, there will be new stuff to deal with. And it will be part of your new incredibleness, but right now, in the egg, you have the sweetness of familiarity. So just enjoy it, because that easy pleasure helps soften any doubts you have about the future.
I know you’re probably doing all the right things to make your dreams come true. And I’m the last person on this side of the galaxy to tell you to be patient. I know nothing about it. When God was handing out patience I was already in the car, honking the horn. Let’s incarnate, already! But I do know that according to hens and science and most sages who actually waited in line for some patience, you can’t rush your hatching. It’s dangerous. The results can be disastrous and take a long time to overcome.
So savour the simplicity of your pre-dreams-come-true time. Love the egg you’re in. @DanielleLaPorte (Click to Tweet!)
Because not too long from now—and right on time, you’ll be spreading your wings and life will never be the same again.

Danielle LaPorte is the creator of The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul — the book that turned into a day planner system, a top iTunes app, and an international workshop program. A Desire Map workshop happens every weekend somewhere in the world. Author of The Fire Starter Sessions and the wildly popular #Truthbomb series, Danielle is also the co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan and co-host of the Beautiful Writer’s Group podcast.
Entrepreneur Magazine calls her “equal parts poet and entrepreneurial badass…edgy, contrarian…loving and inspired.” A speaker, poet, former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, she writes weekly at, where over four million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice — a site that’s been deemed “the best place online for kick-ass spirituality,” and was named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes. The Huffington Post named her Twitter feed as one of the “12 of Wisest Twitter Accounts Worth Following.” You can find her @daniellelaporte just about everywhere.