1.Take Care Of Your Health:

Poor health will both reduce the time you have in this world and your ability to live the life you always wanted. Therefore, make good choices for yourself. If you want to live for a long time, with a mind and body that can take you where you want to go, you must take care of your health now. Most people only realize the importance of their health when it’s gone. You are capable of influencing your health. Start loving your body. You only have one!

2. Invest In Your Relationships:

Spend quality time with people you love. You must invest in your relationships to make them flourish and grow. Some people don’t have great relationships because they don’t allow themselves the time for what’s really important. People with strong relationships live longer, stay healthier and have a better life. Strengthen a relationship today!

3. Have A Positive View Of Yourself:

How you view yourselves is the foundation on which your life is built. @berniehiller (Click to Tweet!)

When you don’t have a positive self-view you compare yourselves to others, feel insecure and always wonder about the opinion of others. You also make choices based on other people’s expectations rather than on what you truly feel is right for you. You start to disconnect from yourself and lose your power. Having a positive self-view means accepting yourself for who you are and what you believe in. It means having the courage necessary to make your own decisions and live your authentic life.

It takes courage to be the REAL YOU!

4. Live Your Purpose and Dreams:

What do you want to do with your life? You only get one life.

The purpose of my life is to feel good and do good.

Why are you here on Earth? Dreams are messages sent to you so you know what to do with your life. Learn to listen to your instincts.

Dreams must be pursued! If you have a positive view of yourself – miracles  will occur. B. Bakke

“If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.”  L. Brown

Bernard Hiller is the premier acting and success coach in Hollywood. His revolutionary techniques and methods have taken the artistic and business community by storm. He teaches sold-out Masterclasses in over 16 countries. He trains top artists in Los Angeles and CEO’s around the globe. His methods of “behavior transformation” have resulted in amazing acting and business success. Bernard has started the career of Cameron Diaz and coached Jeff Goldblum, Lionel Richie, LL Cool J, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Doran, Emma Roberts, Billy Crystal, and Jennifer Garner to name only a few. Leonardo DiCaprio recommends him as the top coach in town. Bernard’s #1 Acting and Success book, Stop Acting-Start Living is a must read. You can connect with him on Facebook & Twitter

Image courtesy of John Silliman.