Fear. Doubt. Hesitation. They’re the three biggest success blockers out there.

All too often, when presented with an exciting opportunity, we refuse to take action on it until we can see the entire pathway from start to finish. We are afraid to start because the outcome is uncertain. 

And without that certainty, we succumb to doubt and question whether our efforts will deliver the results we long for.

And so we hesitate.

We spend too much time planning, thinking, researching, and analyzing – and don’t notice that the opportunity has already slipped away.

Highly successful people take a different approach.

When presented with an exciting opportunity, they lean into it. They don’t let doubt or fear stop them from taking action. They open themselves to possibility and pursue that opportunity further – without any expectations or guarantees of success.

Do you ever wish you could embrace opportunities without fear – and not let your mental blocks get in the way of creating fantastic results?

I’ve got your back!

Here are four proven ways to cultivate a success-focused mindset within yourself – so you can act on opportunities faster, get better results, and create a life you love.

1.  Focus on the “what” – the “how” will take care of itself

When we are presented with opportunities or envision big goals, one question often stops us in our tracks:

“But how will I do it?” 

Even if we are able to picture the goal and get excited about the end result, our minds quickly start doubting our ability to turn our dreams into reality.

For example, you may picture yourself as a best-selling author, but then a little voice in your head reminds you that you don’t know the first thing about writing a book, the odds are stacked against you getting a publishing contract, you’ve never marketed a book before – and dozens of other excuses that make you hesitate and provide you with the justification you need to stay right where you are and NOT go after your dreams.

I’m here to tell you right now: DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE HOW.

Just because you don’t know how every single step of your journey is going to unfold, that shouldn’t stop you from getting started!

All you need to do is get clear on what you want and then take that first step.

When you lean into opportunity, you create momentum. Each step forward, no matter how small, broadcasts your intention to the world.

And the Universe will respond by sending you the opportunities, resources and people you need at just the right moment in your journey for you to receive maximum benefit from them.

By leaning into it and being willing to explore the unknown, you became a co-creator with the Universe. All you need to do is put one foot in front of the other and keep taking the logical next steps toward your goal – and trust that the answers and resources you seek will appear.

Your journey will take you where you want to go… or even someplace better.

2. Turn roadblocks into redirection

If you’ve read my book The Success Principles, you might remember the story of a singer named Jana Stanfield.

After several years working in Nashville in pursuit of her dream of becoming a songwriter and recording artist, she concluded that trying to get a record deal was like pounding her head against a wall. She could try forever without any guarantee of success.

It felt like she was up against an insurmountable roadblock that was preventing her from going forward.

And so, because she loved singing so much and wasn’t willing to give it up, Jana decided to go sideways – and follow a new direction.

Instead of staying in Nashville and trying to get a record deal, she started singing at churches. The people in the congregation loved her voice and asked her if she had any CDs available.

So she took a leap of faith and hired an engineer to record ten of her songs.

And the first time she offered her new CD for sale after a church service, she made more money than she had earned that entire week in her job!

Jana quickly realized that trying to get a record contract wasn’t the only way for her to create a successful singing career. She started her own recording company and today that company produces more than fifty motivational concerts around the world every year.

Jana’s songs have been recorded by internationally renowned singers such as Reba McEntire and Andy Williams and have been featured on Oprah, 20/20, and Entertainment Tonight.

Roadblocks don’t have to be insurmountable obstacles that put an end to your journey. Often they’re just sign posts pointing you in a new direction that will help you get where you want to go faster and with greater joy and ease.

3. Experience the fear and take action anyway

So many people think that in order to take risks and move beyond their comfort zone, they have to be fearless.

But that’s not true at all.

The definition of bravery isn’t being fearless – it’s feeling the fear and doing what you know is right in spite of it.

The fact is, if you want to take your life and business to the next level – if you don’t want to stay stuck where you are – you will have to confront your fears.

And that’s okay. Fear is natural.

But some people will do anything to avoid feeling fear. It’s understandable – fear is uncomfortable. And so, in order to avoid that feeling of discomfort, they let their fear stop them from taking the necessary steps to achieve their dreams.

This is something successful people don’t do.

They feel the fear – but they don’t let it stop them. They’re willing to take a leap of faith, even if they are afraid. They know that if you don’t act, opportunity will pass you by.

As former attorney general and U.S. senator Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”  

I truly believe that:

If a goal isn’t a little bit scary, or if it doesn’t create a bit of fear within you, it’s probably not worth doing. @JackCanfield (Click to Tweet!)

So many people stop because they’re scared. Don’t let that be you! Embrace your fear. Get excited about it – because it means you’re onto something good!

Almost everything that’s truly valuable in life involves taking a risk. And the truth is, sometimes that risk means things won’t work out in the way you want them to.

But far more often than not – THEY WILL.

The opportunity WILL turn out to be something great.

The journey WILL lead you somewhere amazing.

And the risk WILL have been more than worth it.

So what should you be more afraid of…

Taking the risk and not having it pan out the way you want?

Or NOT taking the risk – and remaining stuck where you are?

As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, Jack Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre—and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of over 100 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise, Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success. Jack is America’s #1 Success Coach and wrote the life-changing book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be and Jack speaks around the world on this subject. Check out his newest book The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home. Follow Jack at www.jackcanfield.com and sign up for his free resources today!

Image courtesy of Redd Angelo.