I decided to write this blog because we all have experienced some kind of trauma in our lives and it’s time we share how we went from trauma to triumph. Some people’s stories are more traumatic than others. Some are just gruesome. Some might not seem as awful, but still affected the sh*t out of you.

Either way, trauma hurts and I am here to give us all permission to share our stories and our beautiful gifts we gained through the drama.

I heard a story recently, about a little boy being chained like a dog by his foster parents. I can’t tell you the amount of disgust, anger, pain, and like really WTF! I felt. I immediately wanted to know more about the effects this severe abuse had on this beautiful innocent child. My friend who told me the story works with him in a special needs school and she said he doesn’t really know how to show gratitude. She said, “He kind of acts like a savage. It sounds bad, but it’s like he doesn’t know how to show love or receive love.” My heart was cringing, my stomach was in knots, literally my soul was crying. I felt so sad.

I remembered feeling these same feelings as a child. This connection to suffering, and wondering why and how it could exist and wanting to be part of making it go away… I was always a healer I guess. I wanted to run there and hug him, work with him, show him some tools to help him to trust again.

In that moment, I also remembered that trauma is more common than we’d like to admit. We are all walking around with subconscious or conscious traumas that run the way we interact with people. This made this little boy’s world seem so incredibly volatile and unsafe. He didn’t receive the proper love and nurturing that he needed in other to thrive. His needs were unmet. So, we don’t need to be chained to a fence to have experienced severe trauma, trauma wears many masks.

I have experienced physical, emotional, and verbal abuse in my home and in a romantic relationship. It took the foundation under my feet and made me constantly fear that I was not good enough. This little boy, like me and probably you, feels unsafe. And there was something in our lives or in someone else’s life that we saw, made us fear. Trauma is paralyzing. It cripples our self-esteem and our reality becomes skewed and becomes shaped by the darkness of the trauma and not on the truth.

AND THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS THIS: So perk your eyes up, because this is a key you don’t want to lose. 

The truth is, that we literally all deserve love, period. @CosmicChristine (Click to Tweet!)

Sometimes the people we were born to, or raised by, or teachers or media or anyone for that matter, aren’t healed themselves and they mess up. And then without meaning to, they mess us up. But you don’t need to question why this trauma happened to you, just know that you don’t deserve any of it. It’s just how you work with it. Turn your trauma to triumph. Learn the lessons in the trauma. What did it teach you?

My trauma taught me to understand from an early age that people can hurt you and people are messed up and need to be reminded to love. It fueled my mission even further to hold space for healing so that other people wouldn’t be hurt. It allowed me to connect further to my intuition and desire to understand the roots and the truths of this universe we live in.

My trauma made me strong, courageous and a better lover. I am more compassionate and open minded and don’t judge anyone’s story no matter what. I believe love cures all.

What did your trauma teach you? How did you turn your Trauma to Triumph. Feel free to respond below and post on my Facebook page and share. Your story is powerful and we are all waiting for your unique lessons.

Christine Gutierrez is a psychotherapist, advice columnist, speaker, author, poet, and founder of  Christineg.tv an online hub that features psychologically-savvy and soulful advice, articles, videos, private consultations, workshops, retreats (both live and virtual), radio appearances, and television projects. “Ancient wisdom with a modern twist” is the motto. She has been featured in TimeOut NY Magazine, Latina Magazine as “The Future 15: The Healer,” Yahoo Health, Ebony Magazine, Cosmopolitan for Latinas, The Conversation, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Ricki Lake, Lifetime TV, and more. You can also follow Christine on TwitterFacebook and Instagram. And sign up for her weekly newsletter at: www.christineg.tv. Want a free 15 min consultation call? Click here to set it up.

Do you want to continue to embody fierce love? Then sign on up for Christine’s FREE VIDEO SERIES: Fierce Love Now: a video series that gives you steps on how to break free from unhealthy love patterns and cultivate fierce love within instead. Sign up here: www.fiercelovenow.com