What if you took four minutes to pause, and in those couple of moments shut out the outside world, to reconnect with yourself?
At least a couple times of year I create a video meditation, and I’d like to share a Winter meditation with you today. If you live in the North East you might be feeling a wee bit tired of winter but she has her purpose and there are lessons for each of us in this dormant season. Winter is a time of passive preparation for the re-birth of Spring.
Allowing yourself to nest and rest a bit more during the winter months is a way to restore and regroup and it makes the cold weather a little easier to take. Remember Mother Nature knows what she’s doing.
During winter sunlight hours decrease, as hours of darkness increase . Many people feel as though they need to get more done in less amount of time. If you have the feeling right now that you don’t have four minutes to spare, connect to your breath and slow it down. You more than likely have time. Got a lot to do today? You can use this meditation to create focus. By slowing down your breathing and heart rate, you can tap into a calm, centered energy. When you can slow down your thoughts you have less distraction and therefore are more alert to what is most pressing and important.
4 Minute ReBoot! FREE Winter Meditation (You’re Welcome) @Terri_Cole (Click to Tweet!)
I am about to spend a few days in LA, and while the weather there is wonderful, it still does get colder in the winter, especially at night. For this reason, before you meditate, get extra cozy. Take off your shoes, uncross your legs, and sink in to the surface supporting you. Allow your muscles to soften, your eyes to close, and your breath to deepen.
Lastly, surrender. People all over the country have been affected by the weather, some more than others. When this happens there is often nothing that can be done, other than to surrender. It is important to learn how to allow what is happening, to happen. So before you press play and close your eyes, surrender to the present moment. Let go of all your needs to control the next four minutes. While you are meditating, allow yourself to be present and enjoy.
Winter doesn’t last forever so while it’s here enjoy the colder days and longer nights. Use the features of this season to practice creating a more calm yet alert energy. Slow down, get comfortable and no matter what the season, always remember to take care of you.
Love Love Love,
Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, transformation coach, and an expert at turning fear into freedom. Sign up for Terri’s weekly Tune Up Tips and follow her on Twitter.
For more meditations like this be sure to check out my 21 Day Meditation Integration.
Image courtesy of Samuel M. Livingston.