: Is earned. No exceptions. There are NO short cuts to initiation. Ever. It’s law. You can do it quick n’ dirty, (think: near death experiences, starter marriages done at the Lusty Lady Chapel in Vegas, trauma and tragedy, the 1999 dot com boom, winning the lottery.) Or you can do it slow, like, over life-times kind of slow. But confidence is the result of insight and insight comes from experiencing things on a very deep level.
: Confidence is an arrow ommming to the target. Ommm. Spwack! Bull’s eye.
: Confidence has a past. She has lost something before. (Dignity.) She’s been shaken (even if she never showed it.)
: Confidence wavered and then went on to finish the race.
: Confidence goes in eyes wide open.
You need confidence to lead, to sustain, and to offer the kind of straight up compassion that transforms people. @DanielleLaPorte (Click to Tweet!)
blind faith
: Is exhilarating, caffeinated, giddy.
: Blind faith is like a race car. He white knuckles the wheel and hopes he makes the curve. Fhew.
: Blind faith is fresh. She recruits chance, destiny, and the good will of others. She prays, wishes, crosses her heart, and cozies up to luck, symbols and “signs.” (It’s a sign!)
: Blind faith gets carefree and careless confused. (It’s okay, this is healthy chaos.)
: Blind faith tends to give up more easily, but regardless of that, blind faith is incredibly endearing.
You need blind faith to build confidence.

Danielle LaPorte is the outspoken creator of The Desire Map, author of The Fire Starter Sessions (Random House/Crown), co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan, and soon-to-be publisher of DANIELLE Magazine, launching in early 2014. An inspirational speaker, former think tank exec, and business strategist, she writes weekly at, where over a million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice—a site that’s been deemed “the best place on-line for kick-ass spirituality” and was named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes.
You can also find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter @daniellelaporte.
*Featured image by Kashyap Hosdurga