I just got a new puppy.

His name is Xander.

My husband and I have been trying to navigate how we can work around our busy work schedules and still have time to train our new little guy.

He’s not into the crate. And I know it’s the best way to housebreak new puppies, but since I work from home, I just let him hang in my office all day and take him out every hour to pee.

But let’s face it. I’ve got to leave the house sometimes. And when I put him in the crate, he cries incessantly.

Sometimes, I’ll take him with me. But as cute as this little guy is, I get it: not every business owner wants him in his store.

A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to take a yoga class. It was still really early in the morning, so I figured he’d be ok in the car. Clouds were out. Not too hot.

But when I walked away from the car, Xander started to cry, just like he does when I leave him alone in his crate.

He didn’t want to be alone. I was used to that. But I figured he’d settle down like he always does eventually.

Dogs aren’t babies. You can’t just throw him in an Ergo Carrier and walk through Nordstrom.

I left the windows completely down, gave him plenty of water, and had a nice soft bed in there for him to relax.

But lo and behold, his cries ushered someone to come find me inside, and before I even got out into the parking lot, Animal Control was pulling in. Seriously?

So, I rushed out of the class I was in for twenty minutes to find a spectacle going on right before my eyes. And on top of it, the woman who called Animal Control was calling me out in front of everyone.

You think I didn’t feel bad enough? Puppy crying? Animal Control thinking I’m abusing my new love, and, on top of it, I’ve got some psycho yelling at me and telling me to



Well I guess I was. We all make mistakes. Don’t we?

At least I had fully analyzed my “mistake” and thought I was actually doing the “right thing” by not leaving my buddy at home.

But the tone in her voice made me feel like a criminal.

Yes, I had left the puppy in the car.

Yes, I felt like crap that he was crying and everyone was freaking out.

But, was it the end of the world?

My God. It had been twenty minutes. And it was in the 70s!

This woman was so frantic; it was as if she regularly watches episode after episode of Cops and finally caught her own bad guy. And yep, that bad guy was ME.

I hope she felt vindicated. Honestly, a conversation with me would have really done the trick.

But her accusations were over the top.

People leave their dogs in cars all the time.

Maybe it’s Boulder. Yes, I live in a city full of freaks.

But guess what? My main concern, whether I’m leaving him at home to chew the cord to my diffuser in half, my husband’s new shoes, or the ear bud to my phone, or toting him with me, is still Xander.

And whatever I choose to do, I don’t think it’s fair to have a WANTED poster with my face on it on public display.

But everyone has an opinion. And I guess everyone is entitled to make that opinion public, even if it’s not necessarily appropriate.

So, the next time you make a mistake, and someone is publicly throwing the smack down on you:

1. Don’t Take It Personally

We all make mistakes, and we’re always going to get judged on those mistakes. Take a breather and move on. The projection going out to you most likely has nothing to do with you.

2. Make the Smartest Choice You Can and Live with It

In this case, leaving the puppy in his crate at home would have been the smarter choice. But now I know for next time, right?

I have just given you two smart tips to avoid your mess-ups becoming publicized. Have you ever done something, and the smack down knocked you off balance? Tell me your story. I am dying to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

XO, Hayley

Hayley Hobson is an author, speaker, business coach, yogi, Pilates instructor, and holistic nutritional expert based in Boulder, CO. Her unique and intelligent style promotes strengthening while softening—empowering her clients to heal not only their physical bodies but their hearts and minds as well. To learn more about her nutritional courses, events, and custom programs, visit hayleyhobson.com or follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

*Image courtesy of TerranceDC.