Have you done an internal Integrity Check lately? When you find yourself in conflict, do you lower your level of integrity simply because someone else has?
Who determines how you behave?
When I was a talent agent in the world of modeling, I was dismayed by the lack of integrity I witnessed. In the beginning, I thought I could change the system. In the end, I did not, and I could not. I wound up leaving the industry because I felt like being a part of it, even though I complained about what I believed was wrong, bad, and unfair, lowered my level of integrity. I had to listen to MY truth and, ultimately, resigned, went back to school, and made a major career change, all of which led me to living my truth and acting in line my integrity.
I want to ask you to get honest about your level of integrity. On a scale of one to ten, where does it sit? Are you quick to stoop to someone else’s level, thereby lowering your standards of excellence and being untrue to yourself? When you are faced with challenging situations, I invite you to think of creative ways to maintain or elevate your level of authenticity and consciousness. Really, when you think about it, what else do you have besides your integrity?
This can be a painful process. Honest reflection calls on you to really dig deep and get real about your behavior. Acting and speaking in certain ways can either elevate or lower the integrity of a situation.
Your behavioral choices are a declaration of who you are and dictate how others respond to you.
Other people do not have the power to determine which path you choose. In life and business, consciously making decisions that are aligned with the deep-seeded truth by which you seek to live your life leads to the high road. Take it every time, all the time, and you will be living in your integrity.
I hope this week you take some time to dial into your truth and rock your highest level of integrity!
Love love love
Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, transformation coach, and an expert at turning fear into freedom. Sign up for Terri’s weekly Tune Up Tips and follow her on Twitter.
* Photo Credit: mdmarkus66 via Compfight cc