Today, humanity finds itself sleep-walking through a concept of life, not living life itself. We have developed this conceptual life that isn’t life in an evolutionary search for pleasure and to protect ourselves from the everyday pains of experience. Extremism attempts to pierce this numbness, but it is a failed reaction.
Ironically, this has become a very painful cul-de-sac (a dead-end of sorts): with food that is not food, medicine that is not medicine, beliefs that are not believable, controlled by feelings that are not our feelings and thoughts that are not our thoughts. They are composite drawings of some joys, hopes, fears, angers, and doubts, mixed up with anticipations reacting to the joys, hopes, fears, angers, and doubts of others.
Life has become the media driving our anticipations by comparing someone else’s memories to all our present day fantasies—a far cry from experiencing the experience of living life.
We are actually having a virtual walk-through of the showroom life that we are supposed to be experiencing.
We avoid experiencing where we are at because we have developed a belief that it is not what we should be or want to be. Our life, always compared by the marketing power of media—where satisfaction does not sell products; discontent sells product—stumbles sideways in search of some forward-looking consumable. In this comparison-driven dilemma, we feel wrong, and we hate being wrong, so we avoid “being” altogether. We live in a concept of living, while we are, in fact, avoiding the very starting line of life. Externalized and disconnected from our life, we cannot even begin.
You, as your present identity, arrived with a consciousness—collected, nourished, and grown—through thousands of progressive incarnations. Your destination—the true identity of your incarnation—is your journey from where you are (fate) to who you are (destiny). The ancients called it rasayana; a Sanskrit word for “the path of pure essence.” Using innocence to locate your inner sense and arrive at some common sense while experiencing life.
There are only two promises you must bring to this journey:
1. I accept the starting point of where I am.
2. I believe I am authorized to reach my destiny.
Set up a personal daily practice of yoga, conscious breathing while walking, and meditation. Move one small step forward every day and measure your progress after each day, week, month, and, particularly, every forty days. Celebrate your experiences when you succeed and also when you fail.
Remember: failures are very important steps toward your goal…the goal of your destiny. Failures pave the roadways to every success. This is the lifestyle of our new evolution; it is very much alive for you today.
These Inspirational Blessings are like mantras. Reminders that cause us to think at a new angle, to shake up old patterns, to renew and rebuild our vision and purpose. We then gain insight to ignite and inspire an opening to manifest our conscious focus through conscious action.
Guru Singh is a world-renowned yoga instructor, author, musician, and family man. Guru Singh works with the Dalai Lama, teaches with Tony Robbins, and has recorded an album with Grammy® Award-winning artist Seal. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
*Photo Credit: s.h.u.t.t.e.r.b.u.g via Compfight cc