Let’s remind our girls to love themselves from the inside out——to be happy to be pretty kind, pretty smart, pretty unique, pretty loving, pretty lovable, pretty quirky, pretty funny, pretty cool——and not just pretty.
Karen Salmansohn
Karen Salmansohn is a best selling author with over 1 million books sold and founder of the popular inspirational site notsalmon.com. Karen’s on a mission to empower kids to grow into their happiest, kindest, most confident selves. She’s created a powerful anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying campaign—which is starting this month—going into school buses and school hallways! You can find out more about this campaign by visiting the For Kids page on her website. Plus Karen has created anti-cyberbullying cellphone covers to remind kids to use their cells responsibly and to “choose to be kind, because a cell won’t rewind.” Find out more about these cellphone covers and the rest of Karen’s stylish line of goods, inspiring people to feel and do good at CafePress. You can also connect with Karen on Twitter.