You attract to you in a relationship who you are.

Do you like what you see?

You are constantly in relationship with yourself.

Every single one of your relationships has been a success, even if they didn’t last forever. They have served to bring you a step closer to your true self.

The partners you attract to you in the form of a man or woman are a physical manifestation of whom and where you are in your own consciousness at this moment in time.

Look at whom you are attracting. What does this mirror to you about your own self?

There is so much information out there about finding the perfect partner.

The perfect partner is whomever you are with.

Let me explain: The perfect partner is that partner that mirrors perfectly where you are in your growth right now. They are the perfect mirror that serves as your inspiration and impetus to heal and grow into more of your authentic self.

The perfect partner is not someone that never makes mistakes but the person that is willing to own their “stuff,” open through their resistances, and love through their fears.

The perfect partner is someone who is willing to grow and is also committed to serving your Soul’s growth, so that you both can be more of whom you really are.

The person you attract to you in an intimate relationship is no mistake. They are perfect for you right now.

Many of us want a relationship, but we are not truly in relationship with ourselves. We want our partners to love us, but we still reject ourselves.

You must start by giving to yourself the love that you are already and want from another.

As you accept yourself, you will feel differently and relate to yourself differently. You become truly powerful. From this place of wholeness, you will attract to yourself a mate that is more likely to accept you at that level, as well as mirror your love and self-acceptance back to you.

You attract to yourself a partner at the level of your self-acceptance.

Trying to change your partner is a recipe for suffering.

Taking responsibility for changing yourself is a recipe for freedom.

You choose.

Know this:

The perfect partner is whomever you are with in that moment.

This is being reflected to you in those you attract, whether you like it or not.

If you don’t like what you see,

Don’t blame the mirror;

Don’t blame yourself.


Own it and change yourself.

See who now shows up!

The perfect partner is YOU!

Love. Now.

If you are ready to break through your limitations and catapult yourself into living your destiny, join me on a one-of-a-kind journey of a lifetime at Boundless Bliss Bali.

Kute Blackson is a life coach and speaker. Unlike those who promise to simply help people “get” what they want, Kute’s work instead reveals to people what they have to give, by liberating who they are most truly and deeply. The focus: Freedom. For more on Kute, please visit his website and follow him on Twitter.

*Photo by will_i_be.