“Thank you, body!”
When you think about what you are grateful for, what comes to mind?
For many of us, what comes to mind is a person, an opportunity, an object, or an event. Many times we are grateful for something or someone that is outside our own self.
How many of us are thankful for our health and for the body itself? The body, with all its senses, strength, and flexibility, is the one thing that we could be most grateful for.
Many times we forget about the many miracles that the body performs on a daily basis. Because our bodies are always with us, keeping up with the tempo of life, we have a tendency to take the body for granted. Only when something goes wrong with the body do we appreciate it.
When was the last time that you thanked your body with the same warmth and affection that you would thank your spouse or a good friend?
The body is your ally.
When we suffer from chronic aches and pains, when our immune system fails us, or when our hormones begin to change, it is easy to blame our doctors, the medication we receive, our stress levels, or even the body itself.
Tell the body “Thank you.”
Thanking your body—from the hair on your head to the blood in your toes—is a simple exercise that you can do any time of the day. Whether we feel healthy or ill, when we take time to thank the body, we acknowledge the constant support that we receive from our limbs, our muscles, our senses, and our organs.
Listen to the body.
Did you know that thanking the body is only one part of gratitude? The other aspect of gratitude that is less talked about is action.
For example, saying “thank you” to someone is wonderful. But when we show our gratitude by thoughtfully listening to what that persons needs or desires, we know how to support the person that we are so thankful for.
Try applying this idea to your body. You may find that when you thank your body, you suddenly become aware of what your body may need, or not need, in order to thrive.
Listen to the subtle cues that you receive from your body about which foods and which exercises are most nourishing.
We can show our gratitude for the body by giving it foods that fuel pure energy and optimism. When we give our body nourishing foods, we show our gratitude. Remember, action brings our intentions and our words into reality.
Make it a priority to show your body gratitude today.
Author Donna Gates’s mission is to change the way the world eats. Over the past 25 years, she has become one of the most beloved and respected authorities in the field of digestive health, diet, and nutrition, enjoying a worldwide reputation as an expert in candida, adrenal fatigue, autism, autoimmune diseases, weight loss, and anti-aging. At 65 years old, the mother of three, and a grandmother, she is often mistaken for a women in her 40s, and has more energy than she’s ever had. After years of research, Donna has compiled the most cutting-edge anti-aging knowledge into her book, The Baby Boomer Diet: Anti-Aging Wisdom For Every Generation and the companion Growing Younger Series is a fascinating blend of breakthrough medical information, practical health advice, and spiritual wisdom, for people of any age. It juxtaposes today’s stress-filled lifestyle with practical guidelines rooted in ancient principles.