seemingly impossible; they can, but you can’t; not in this lifetime, light years away, inconceivable.
the stuff of dreams.
instead, take this into your cells:
miracles, proof, evolution and revolutions, breakthroughs, dawnings, devotion, in time, in the realm of possibility, with the power of love, come hell or high water, positively conceivable…
you can
: laugh again after unspeakable loss. joy will wind its way around scars that will never unknot within you—like smiling ivy warming tree roots.
: be one week from filing divorce papers and see that he’s the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. (oh yes, I know of what I speak.)
: triple your income. jump a “class bracket.” pay cash. never worry again about if you have enough money to do what you want.
: hug the person who sold you down the river when you run into her on the street years later—and mean it.
: get over not getting what you thought you wanted to get but never got from your parents—because at some point, you need to get on with getting what you want in the here and now. (give your folks a break.)
: have never walked a full mile and become one of those people who not only runs many miles but LOVES to run. This happens, I’ve heard tell.
: lose the weight—permanently. yes, forever.
: where you used to fill space and time to avoid the terror of stillness, you can actually rest in the peace of your radiant mind. calm permeating.
: come out of the closet, stand in front of your family, and commit to the one you love in full colour and pride.
: start.
: finish.
: cure yourself.
: melt into love.
. . . . . . .

Danielle LaPorte is the creator of, which has been called “the best place on-line for kick-ass spirituality.” She is the author of THE SPARK KIT: A Digital Experience for Entrepreneurs, an inspirational speaker, former think tank exec, and news show commentator. You can find her on Twitter @daniellelaporte